A Trademark is text, graphic, pattern or color that- identifies origin of manufacture. So to file a text or graphic trademark the mark must be on the garment tag or screened on the garment for a tag free garment. Note the trademark can be elsewhere but for the trademark office it needs to be on the tag […]
Can I Trademark a Clothing Line?
Can I Trademark a Clothing Line? Yes you can trademark a clothing line. If you are using a particular word, graphic, phrase or slogan on a Clothing Line, you can trademark it to prevent any other Clothing Line manufacturers from using it without your permission. For example, while I was in Memphis I was staying at [...]
Trademark Procedure
What happens after trademark application is submitted? The trademark registration process begins with conducting a trademark search and proceeds to the preparation and submission of trademark applications. Once a trademark application is submitted for review by the US Trademark Office, the attorney must oversee the prosecution of an application (proceedings at the US Trademark Office) and [...]
Can I Trademark a Bumper Sticker?
Can I Trademark a Bumper Sticker? Yes you can trademark a Bumper Sticker. If you are using a particular word, graphic, phrase or slogan on a Bumper Sticker, you can trademark it to prevent any other Bumper Sticker manufacturers from using it without your permission. For example, see the mark “Salt Life” to see a registered [...]
Invention Idea- Can Opener
A kitchen essential is the Invention Idea of the can opener. A can opener is a mechanical device used to open metal cans. Early openers were basically variations of a knife. The first can opener, consisting of the sharp rotating cutting wheel that runs round the can’s rim was invented in 1870. A modified design came out in 1925 adding a second serrated wheel to hold the cutting wheel on the rim of the can […]
Start Inventing Today
Today, tomorrow, and everyday is a gift. Inventors -The question is what are going to do with today? Did you at least take a small step toward turning your Invention into a reality? Get started with Inventor Start Kit. Start Inventing today […]
Invention Inventor Motivation
Take time to slow down and recognize problems you encounter throughout your day. These are hot spots for inventions and ideas for new products. Most of us just push on through a problem verses stopping to recognize that it is a problem or more likely that there is a better way to do “X.” For example […]