Please use the link above to download the forms to Document your Invention.
To document :
A) Product Invention: Complete the attached form: At least have a Title, List of Parts (mark photos or drawings to identify parts by name); List of Advantages; Description of drawings, figures, photos, hand drawings; Drawings, figures, photos should at least show i) whole view invention, ii) disassembled view of parts of invention, and iii) invention being used. Written summary of how parts are assembled; Summary of how invention is used; Describe the Problem and how your invention solves the Problem.
B) Processes, Apps, websites, and software: Complete the attached form: At least have a Title, List of steps; List of Advantages; Description of drawings, figures as flowchart and mock screen shots (or wire frame) for each step; written description describing in detail what is happening in each step. Identify a technical problem and define how technology solves that problem. For business method we need flow chart of steps a user performs and mock screen shots of what a user sees or a wireframe. In this step show how you are manipulating or changing what the user sees on the screen or how your improving the hardware. See Flowchart pdf.
Inventor Start’s Record of Invention download will walk you step-by-step through the proper procedures in order to thoroughly document your invention. Complete with instructions, you’ll be able to document your invention forms and review samples created by Patent Attorney Mat Grell. He uses his inventions DripID® and Sneaker Doodle™ to show you an easy to follow, do-it-yourself approach to privately document your idea. Get started today!
What does it mean to “Document your Invention?”
Documenting each invention allows you to get your invention out of your head and down on paper in the form of a written description. You could include the invention title, identify the invention purpose, make a list of advantages of your invention, create figures of your invention, or provide pictures of prototypes. This step is crucial in helping you identify the parts or elements of your invention.
How can you document your invention correctly?
Your new invention may be worth thousands, or possibly, millions. Have you thought of ideas in the past and taken no action? Then you find that very product on a store shelf making someone else money? Don’t sell yourself short and dream up the next great invention only to sleep on it!
Documents included in the digital download:
Instructions & Inventor Information
Sample 1 Documentation of DripID®
Sample 2 Documentation of Sneaker Doodle™
How to Evaluate the Commercial Viability of your Invention
Drawing Reminder Flowchart for Inventions (Including: process, website, apps, and software)
Why document each invention?
There are a number of reasons why an inventor should spend time documenting each invention. To begin, taking the time to document causes you to think critically about your idea and causes you to identify the parts and features of your idea. These can range anywhere from creating a title for your invention, listing the parts and features of your invention, listing the advantages of your invention over the existing products on the market, including drawings that showcase your invention assembled and/or disassembled, drawings documenting your invention in use, or maybe a prototype of your invention that include pictures of each.
Documents included in the digital download:
Instructions & Inventor Information on how to document your idea
Forms to document your idea in private
Sample 1 DripID® a sample of me documenting one of my own ideas