Patent Marking Label Requirements — InventorStart

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Patent Marking Label Requirements

New patent statute enables virtual patent marking of products covered by issued patents:

The America Invents Act added “virtual marking,” to make it easier for patent owners to update their products without having to re-label, plaque, or re-produce a line of products when a new patent issues or expires that covers their product.

The patent owner marks the patented product with the word “Patent” or “Pat.”, followed by the patent number or a web address (www.CompanyName.com/Product/Patents ) where the Patent Number(s) covering the Product are listed.  Moreover, the web address is to be “accessible to the public without charge for accessing the address.”

Example Product Label:
Covered by one or more of Patents: “Patent Number”; “Patent Number”
Covered by one or more of Patents: www.CompanyName.com/Product/Patents

Example Web Page Content:
Product Title
Patent Number
Patent Number
Patent Number

Keep this webpage updated

If marking a product is not feasible due to size constraints of the product, a package or label may be marked. Please note, if words are printed on the product, the patent number or web address should be included on the product.

Do not mark your products with expired patents